
[CreatureCowboi] Bone Tail Accessory for VrChat Avatar v1

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[CreatureCowboi] Bone Tail Accessory for VrChat Avatar v1


By buying/using this file, you agree to the following terms:

Please DO:

  • Customize the model to your heart's content!
  • Include the asset on private VrChat models, other platforms are fine, just please keep the model for private use.
  • Use the asset on streams on your model.

Please DON'T:

  • Use the asset (or any edited version of it) for commercial purposes without obtaining consent from the creator.
  • Resell, redistribute, or give away any contents of this pack. It's exclusively for personal use.
  • Share the file or any of the other content in this pack with others unless they own a legal, purchased copy.
  • Upload this asset to pirating sites. As an individual creator, we put a lot of time and effort into making this asset, and it's important to us that it's used appropriately.

Thank you for your cooperation!


How to Install

Once you have the files downloaded, drag the scenes into your Unity assets. From there, you can drag and drop the entire scene onto the model (do not put it on the hip bone at first unless you want to realign it more than you need to.) Once you have it in the scene, remove it from the “TAIL NAME Scene” that was created and put it directly onto the hip bone within your armature. Delete the extra scene after you remove the tail.


  • Putting the FBX of the tail onto the model will need you to reapply the textures in order for it to look as intended. 
  • Not only do these tails come with their own armatures but they have their own VRC Physbones already set up. If you’d like to tweak the Physbones, you need to find them in the armature.

If you have any problems or questions, reach me in the Cinner’s Collective on discord. I can help with installation. (Linked on purchase page.)

Base model is Carousel the Showpony by Cinners! The base is NOT included with this package!

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1.94 MB
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